The Dreaming
*Please note that any character played in a historical game in not guaranteed for approval or implementation in active chronicle. Playing in a historical game is consent that this concept may be changed in whole or in part in order to align with the finalized setting and rules sets released by the NST's office.
Want to get that valuable prestige and VIP bonuses? Volunteering is the quickest and best way to earn them! Not sure what you want to do yet? That's fine, just fill out THIS FORM with some basics. We need narrators, NPCs, registration personnel, charity auction staff, silent auction table sitters, James Bond wanna-be -security, and much more. Help us make this NCRE the best one yet and get yourself some Pres-cheese!
Volunteers Needed!
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Players, Gamers, Characters of all kinds - Help us earn more for charity by donating your character slots, teaching ability in certain powers, lineage, a specialty craft, etc...Donations only accepted by those characters/players authorized to give a special item (No, Joe - You can't donate a level 5 fetish that you don't have... Bummer, I know). To donate: email our Charity Lead by clicking the button below.