"A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing."
- George Lucas
As LARPers, we tend to understand the concept of a story better than most. We do more than group up and press buttons all day. Here, we create life...
Our characters, while they are not real, have been given history, background, quirks, flaws, and so much more. Their story is why we play.
So this NCRE we are celebrating more than just our ability to come together as a group, more than just an end or a beginning to any chronicle - we are celebrating the creation of a our characters lives, their joy and pain, their ups and downs, the inner light and the shadows that envelope it. No - there is no cataclysmic "Rocks Fall" scenario because your characters are worth more, and this end is just the beginning...
Welcome to...
The Last Night
Be sure to get all your characters up on our Approvals Database before the start of NCRE 2017!
Universal VSS
Lead Storyteller: Michael Dyer
Storyteller Second: Joseph Perry IV
The theme of NCRE 2017 is “The Last Night”. Venues will primarily revolve around the concept of the end, as we in the MES end two chronicles at NCRE 2017. Not all of these are final endings; many stories will continue within our own personal mind’s eye, nor are all the venues ending their stories. However the predominate focus will be the end, as two chronicles come to a close.
The North Central Regional Event 2017 uses the MES Addenda and appropriate venue-specific addendum. Changes to these documents may be addressed in follow-on documents, such as Character Records or VSSs, with the approval of the NCRE ST Lead.
Character Records
All players are required to bring two identical printed copies of their character sheets to the event. One must be kept on the PC’s person, the other will be stored by event staff. All items requiring Venue Lead approval will be noted in the appropriate VSS write-ups for the venue. No electronic copies of character sheets may be used during game.
Equipment Lists
All items that your character brings with you must be accounted for on your character sheet or a separate equipment list attached to both copies of your character sheets. This includes all weapons and rounds of ammo. If it isn’t on your character sheet, your character will not have access to it without going through an ST for the venue in question.
Multiple Characters
The Storytelling staff encourages players to bring multiple characters to the event. There will be plots and other events to participate in various ways. If you portray more than one character c, we do require that you make it known to your ST staff present that the character is leaving the game space, so it can be noted. In order to gain XP for a character, you must play the character for at least 2 hours at the game that night. We also require at least a 70% costume change if you plan to portray another character during the same venue.
Players are responsible for providing the source (page/book) of their powers for Storyteller review. Electronic copies of source material will be accepted and are encouraged.
Powers that add bonuses and provide retests or buffs to a character shall be handled on a Venue by Venue basis. Please consult the VSS for the particular restrictions or notes about carrying in bonuses to your character.
Approval Restrictions
Gadgetry: Things that belong in a James Bond/Cyberpunk movie will not be allowed. Materials or items intended to duplicate existing abilities in game (such as miniature hand-held cameras to spot those using Obfuscate, etc.) are also not allowed. Consult the Lead Venue Storyteller to see if the items you have are considered exceptions to this rule. Items that fall under this aspect will be removed from character sheets at check-in if they are not approved before the event.
Non-player Characters (NPCs)
All player directed NPCs (Retainers, ghouls, etc) require a body to portray them, otherwise they are considered on the VSS but not immediately accessible. In addition to this, all NPCs on site must be approved with the Lead Venue Storyteller in advance of the event. If these are not approved prior to the event, they will not be allowed. Exceptions will not be made to this rule. A character may have no more than two (2) NPCs approved in this fashion and each NPC must have a printed sheet, or in the case of “mook” or “token” retainers, their character sheets’ information included with their supervising PC..
Proxy Play
No proxies will be accepted for those that cannot physically attend the convention.
Combat, Kill Boxes, and Character Death
To maintain a smooth flow within their venues, a storyteller has the authority to resolve combat scenes by narrative, especially if they would be disruptive to the overall venue.
If a player argues with a storyteller or attempts to disrupt the flow of a scene, the Storyteller may require the player to hand over their character sheet and leave the game, at which point the character will be scripted out of the game in a manner fully at the discretion of the lead storyteller. There will be very little tolerance for disruptive behaviors during narration or combat.
All STs or narrators have authority over how the venue is run and how on-site rules calls are handled. Any arguing with said rules calls will not be tolerated.
Any plans prior to the convention that involve extended character removal from the venue (i.e. Torpor) or character death should follow the below protocols. Because Kill Boxes and character death can tie up the storyteller staff and take away from play, those that do not follow the following protocols will be denied. Instances where accidental character death happens at the convention will also be monitored in all cases and reviewed prior to the convention the same as planned character death.
If you are planning a Killbox, please email both the ST Lead and the Venue Lead regarding the Killbox including reasoning.
Each Killbox scenario will be subject to approval of the ST Lead and the Presiding Venue Lead. If denied, they will not be allowed at the convention.
During the convention, time, space and ST resources may be limited. This will also dictate whether or not a desired Killbox is viable in order to not detract from the rest of the convention. They will be approved on a first come, first serve basis and will not dominate the convention games.
All scheduled Killboxes will be given a specific time and date at the convention for the resolution. If all aggress (attacking) parties are not at the designated location within 10 minutes of their given time, the Killbox will be cancelled. If the other party is not at the designated location within 10 minutes of their given time, the killbox will be frozen and handled in Proxy after the convention.
Killboxes that spontaneously occur during the event will be evaluated on a case by case basis. The Lead ST will have final authority on said Killboxes. If possible character death happens in the main convention spaces, the Lead ST has the authority to pull the characters involved from the main room so that combat does not hold up the rest of the event.
In any situation involving more than 10 characters, the ST will give each side the opportunity to take a narrated resolution. If the narrated solution is not acceptable to all parties then they will be required to proxy at the end of the event for a resolution.
Venue Destructive Effects
Actions, effects, and mass destruction effects have the potential to end the In-Character reason for the gathering prematurely. Any effect that could result in the mass exodus of characters from the area, or items that have the potential of doing so must be approved though the Venue Lead and the ST Lead before they are taken.
Non-Game Role-play
During the convention players may seek opportunities for role-play outside the scheduled events. Unfortunately, convention space is not always available for this purpose. While players may be asked to mediate these events, no space should considered “soft-RP’. All interactions between characters are considered “hard RP” and carry the potential for contested challenges, though players may of course decline to use them. It is the responsibility of players who organize these scenes to find an approved Narrator or Storyteller for resolution. If a PC is on the Convention VSS, they can be the target of powers, challenges, and effects as per rules per Venue.
Players may, at any time, pause any mutually agreed upon “soft” role-playing scenes in private spaces with other players in order to call for the supervision of that scene by a Narrator or Storyteller, should they feel the need.
Experience will be awarded by the Lead Venue Storyteller based on full event participation. Experience granted per session may be divided between characters if more than one character is played during a session. Event experience will be determined on a by-genre basis and will be announced by the ST Lead.
Additional Rules
PC Location: All character bodies are considered physically located on the VSS for the duration of the event.
ST Resolution rooms: These rooms are on a first come, first serve basis. The presiding ST reserves the right to pull sheets in the case of a ST Resolution and run the combat after the game has ended but before the end of the Convention and provide a butcher list and combat narrative to the individuals involved in the event.
Props Policy: The Outside/Third Party Items Policy is in use for NCRE 2017.
Player Advisory
The World of Darkness is not a happy place. From time to time, the Lead Venue Storytellers may use adult themes, vivid descriptions, and contentious social issues to bring the World of Darkness to life. For those familiar with the White Wolf tabletop material, some plot elements or themes could be considered "Black Dog" material. Such themes and issues may include racism, sexism, bigotry, prejudice, and extreme violence. If, at any time, a player feels uncomfortable with a scene, the player should immediately inform the Storyteller running the scene. It is the responsibility of the player, not the storyteller to indicate that the situation is uncomfortable. The Storyteller will either tone down scene so that the player is once again comfortable participating in it or will excuse the player from the scene and hand the PC to a Narrator or other designated representative to finish out the scene without breaking continuity.
Find out how to advertise your local business to our event by clicking HERE.
Denver, Colorado
May 25 - 28, 2017
NoCtuRnE 2017
Do you want to be a part of this? We'd love to have your help! Not sure what you want to do yet? That's fine, just fill out THIS FORM with some basics. We need narrators, NPCs, registration personnel, charity auction staff, silent auction table sitters, James Bond wanna-be -security, and much more. Help us make this NCRE the best Story yet and get yourself some Pres-cheese!
Volunteers Needed!