There are some pretty amazing things going on this year for NoCtuRnE, and we can't wait to see the thunderous strike as doors are opened, lives are altered, and talons reap their prey in quarters. Our characters have been through alot, and in some cases, this convention promises more amazing role-play for the same characters. For some, it marks the end of a hella ride :D
How many Sabbat does it take to survive the Time of Judgement, and how many Camarilla or Anarch will rise beyond their birth to become the Gods of a new era? With the epic end of the Camarilla/Anarch and Sabbat venues, NCRE 2017 promises to have its characters go out with a wail that would make a banshee jealous. NO, this does not mean "rocks fall, you're dead," no matter how much you wish that it would happen to one character, we all know the one we'd love to see lose its soul. No, at NCRE our Storyteller staff has brought us an amazing send off until the chronicle resets in June.
While the Cam/Anarch game is ending, the new By Night System for Werewolf the Apocalypse will have been introduced over the last few months, and we'll have characters ready to get into the thick of things! One little fetish, two little fetish, three little four - how many will be risked in order to gain just one more...
The North Central Region is also one of the few regions that use a system for their NWoD games called Zoo. Here, characters of all types vie for power and place amidst all the supernaturals of the night and day alike. Fae, Mage, Werewolf and Vampire find themselves congregating and bidding in a power-war of politics and sacrafice. How much will you pay for peace?
NoCtuRnE 2017
Denver, Colorado
May 25 - 28, 2017
Why register you ask? Why to attend the event of course! We have regional plotkits, national storylines, live charity auction and of course an amazing group of people you might only ever meet at this convention! Get your tickets and book your hotel room now during our Pre-Registration Sale! Buy now, and get $20 off your event ticket price! Exclusive for Mind's Eye Society Members.
Not a member - Register HERE for your six month FREE trial.
When: May 25-28, 2017
Where: Crowne Plaza Denver International Airport Hotel and Convention Center
15500 E. 40th Ave; Denver, CO 80239
Go to our Hotel Information Page for details.
Pre-Registration Price: $50
Become a VIP attendee for $75 and get special event bonus' (only available through pre-registration)
On-Site Registration Price: $70
Day passes available. See our Registration Page for more information.
Find out how to advertise your local business to our event by clicking HERE.
Gamers, we are ready to rise again! Let our blood rain down into empty goblets and may our wallets be as open as our minds. As efficacious members of the community, the NoCtuRnE team have been proud benefactors of multiple charities nation-wide for years. This year we are proud to be earning funds for Freedom Service Dogs of America and the MES College Scholarship Fund.
Find out more at our Charities page and learn how you can donate today (or wait until the Live Auction on Saturday)!
Come one, come all! Want to get that valuable prestige and VIP bonuses? Volunteering is the quickest and best way to earn them! Not sure what you want to do yet? That's fine, just fill out THIS FORM with some basics. We need narrators, NPCs, registration personnel, charity auction staff, silent auction table sitters, James Bond wanna-be -security, and much more. Help us make this NCRE the best one yet and get yourself some Pres-cheese!
Volunteers Needed!