NWoD: Confluence Zoo
"Darkness comes.
In the middle of it, the future looks blank.
The temptation to quit is huge.
Don't. You are in good company."
-John Piper
A gilded invitation to an auction, items that should not exist, but are being offered. Yet portents say, things exist in the darkness. The answer may lie in the auction… but what are you willing to pay? What are you willing to sacrifice?
In the darkness of the forest, he calls out to you all with words of warning. A tree long dead stirs to life. A tree that should not be… is.
His call goes unanswered as the cracks slowly begin to show. An ending is beginning.
Administrative Information
Lead Storyteller: Tom Brown
Storyteller Second: Tandy Moore
Styles of Play: 1-10 (Never-Always)
Physical: 3
Social: 8
Mental: 8
Domestic Focus/ Manners: 4
How much time each PC needs to spend managing their social etiquette and peer pressure?
Scale of Stories/Drama: 7
How epic are the plots and NPCs?
Enigmas/Mystery: 8
How much mystery and investigation is there?
Graphicness/Darkness: 2
How intense is the blood, violence, and evil? Will there be situations and plotlines that may be too extreme for members with delicate sensibilities?
Tragedy/PC Corruption: 3
How dark and bleak does it get? Is this a big adventurous fight where PCs march from one victory to the next or is every win tainted by horrific moral quandaries?
Risk of Death: 3
In general, how much risk of permanent death is there for a PC in this game?
Action: 2
What level of PVE should players expect from this game?
Intrigue: 2
How much political negotiation and scheming is expected?
PVP: 1
What level of PVP does the ST Expect to occur in this venue?
Venue Synopsis/Setting
Basic Description: A small church/schoolhouse at the foot of a mountain in Rocky Mountain National Park in the forest.
Plot Hook: Darkness comes. In the middle of it, the future looks blank. The temptation to quit is huge. Don't. You are in good company. John Piper
A gilded invitation to an auction, items that should not exist, but are being offered. Yet portents say, things exist in the darkness. The answer may lie in the auction… but what are you willing to pay? What are you willing to sacrifice?
In the darkness of the forest, he calls out to you all with words of warning. A tree long dead stirs to life. A tree that should not be… is.
His call goes unanswered as the cracks slowly begin to show. An ending is beginning. ​
Expectations: The players are expected to work together towards stopping the destruction of the veil. The event will be full of mystery, rituals, and items that will be necessary to stop the destruction of the veil.
Mystery, investigation, enigmas
Mystery, suspense, chaos
Venue Specific Storytelling Mechanics
Proxy Rules-
Proxies to Convention Events are not currently accepted
Travel Risks-
No additional travel risks.
Experience Awards-
Normal XP: 5 XP
Event XP: 3 XP
Venue Specific Notes-
This venue adheres to the NCRE Universal VSS as well as follows the rules and guidelines found in the sanctioned Venue Books and MES Addenda.
DJ Radix (Lost):
International superstar. Spirit animal. Philanthropist. Performs at Burning Man. Your friend owns a t-shirt. He's so hot right now. Radix.
Caine (Awakening):
An acquisitor of rare knowledge, Caine even has knowledge of Changeling secrets. He is rumored to have killed a Tremere in single combat.
Character Name Here:
Insert text here on a description. emailaddress@gmail.com
Donate Today!
Players, Gamers, Characters of all kinds - Help us earn more for charity by donating your character slots, teaching ability in certain powers, lineage, a specialty craft, etc...Donations only accepted by those characters/players authorized to give a special item (No, Joe - You can't donate a level 5 fetish that you don't have... Bummer, I know). Fill out the form by clicking the button below.
Come one, come all! Want to get that valuable prestige and VIP bonuses? Volunteering is the quickest and best way to earn them! Not sure what you want to do yet? That's fine, just fill out THIS FORM with some basics. We need narrators, NPCs, registration personnel, charity auction staff, silent auction table sitters, James Bond wanna-be -security, and much more. Help us make this NCRE the best one yet and get yourself some Pres-cheese!