Event Experience at NCRE 2017
As you all know attending or sponsoring MES event can earn your PC’s event experience, and as a regional event you can apply 3xp for our BNS Venues (Apoc, C/A and Sabbat) and 4xp for nWoD focus venues (not Accord) that are hosted at the convention.
However a lot of you are thinking but the Masquerade venues are ending at NCRE. What good will that do my PC that is about to be no longer playable in a week’s time as we are all moving into history games for the new chronicle kick-off in July?
Well I am very pleased to announce that with the approval of our very generous NST Josh Chaney and the NCA Jen Cross that event experience earned for Masquerade from attending or sponsoring NCRE can be applied to your newly created PC’s for the next chronicle!