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Welcome to our newest Staff Leads!

Check out our newest Staff Leads here! We almost have a full team, but could really use your help to make this year extra special.

The following Staff Positions are still available:

  • Volunteer Lead and Second

  • Stage Manger Second

  • Programming Second

  • Photography Second

  • Marketing Second

  • Concierge Second

  • Charity Second

If you are new to the MES, a second position is a great way to gain Prestige and learn how to work a convention! You're in on everything as we build the convention, help with the Primary lead's work, and would only take over in the event that the Primary lead must leave their positions.

Full descriptions for each position are available here.

STAFF Leads/Seconds Applications:

Additionally, we also have the following Venue position still available:

  • Space Venue Second

VENUE ST Leads/Seconds Applications:

Only have a couple hours to spare? We are also looking for volunteers in various positions throughout the event. Please fill out THIS FORM if you are interested.

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