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Your Quickstart Guide on How to Avoid Rockslides at Cam/Anarch

From the Desk of the NCRE C/A Storyteller:

NCRE is quickly approaching and the Storyteller Staff would like to clear up a few rumors. NCRE will be the last big Cam/Anarch game. Although Gehenna is coming, the Storyteller Staff has no intention of doing a giant kill box or a dissatisfying fade to black. Instead, the Storytelling Staff has been working very hard to craft a unique experience that allows the players to have great influence and agency over the final outcome of Gehenna. We hope this puts the players' minds at ease and encourages everyone to come to NCRE for the final send off of the current Chronicle.

Cam/Anarch Storyteller Lead, Jayme Wooster US2014080062


So now that you all know that its not "rocks fall your PC dies" please take a moment to register for NCRE here:

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