A Taste of the North Central - Gift Basket Raffle Event
Good Afternoon NC Region! As part of our Charity Raffle at NCRE 2017: The Last Night, we are looking to offer up 4 baskets that represent the taste of the North Central Region. For that we need your help to bring together those items for us to raffle off at the event. We are hoping to build at least one basket each for the four states of the region that currently have domains: Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, and North Dakota. Items from the other states are always welcomed as well. Thinking of setting up a new domain or chapter in South Dakota, Montana, or Wyoming - Great! We want your state to be represented too! These baskets can contain any items that reflect the taste and spirit of your state. All donations to this project are prestige worthy and will be earned based on its monetary value! So represent your state well and get those valuable prestige points that help boost your VIP totals! To donate items to the baskets please contact our Charity Lead Alex Fancher at ncre.charity@gmail.com for more in formation and to make a donation. All items must be either shipped (post marked) 14 days prior to the event starting or come with you as you attend NCRE this year!
Please share this message over Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Email, and any other platform to help get this message out to the region!
Don't forget to stop by our Web Page Here and subscribe to our list so that you can get live updates as we post. Thanks again my fellow gamers - looking forward to seeing you all in May! Head to our Registration page to learn more about our ticketing options! Kay Stavis US2002021633 NCRE 2017 Event Lead